Thursday, September 4, 2014

Vineyard Adventures

Well, we are now on day 5 at Martha's Vineyard. Slightly tanner and feeling good as the weather seems to get better as each day passes. The morning fog is gone and the sun is shining.

The past couple days have been full of sweat and sand. Tuesday we went to South Beach, where the waves are rough and you need to get the timing just right to run into the ocean. I made sure of this considering I watched a girl wipe-out and roll up onto shore - she got hit by a wave and the next thing I knew, her feet were in the air with no body in sight.

Notice how there isn't anyone really on the beach. Jay said this is how he remembers it when he was little. Before all of the hype of "this is where the Presidents go on vacation," because a lot of people didn't really know about it. It was their hidden gem that became popular as they aged. But after Labor Day weekend and school opening, the island has felt like the old days. Less people and more room for us to breathe and explore. 

That night we went into town for dinner at the Sweet Life Cafe. A little french bistro with tables outside and Christmas tree lights all dwindled up in the vines. 

Each night has ended with more ice cream than I normally can bear, but I figure, why not? I'm on the vineyard after all.

Wednesday morning, Caryn and I went for a run on the bike path. We surprised ourselves when we realized we went 3 miles! I am feeling it more so today as the soreness is seeping though my muscles. It was also the morning the men went to play golf, so my mother-in-law and I decided to take a trip to Glassworks. They literally blow and melt glass into any shape and size. Wednesday, they were making pumpkins.

The top of the stairs was the home to their art gallery, full of light and glass figures (very pricey but that is fine art for ya). We went back downstairs, paid for my pumpkins, and were on our way back home to get ready for the beach.

The choice of the day was Long Point, a wildlife refuge where you ride 3 miles on a dirt road before you park next to two paths. One leads to the fresh water pond and the other to the beach. We took the beach route (the pond was nearly another mile of a walk). It was already 3 in the afternoon and only a few people left by the water.

These pictures were taken around 5pm, and by then everyone else was gone except Jay and I. We waited until the sun napped behind the clouds and walked back to the car. Dinner was Jay's famous mussels dish that we are excited to compare to the original recipe at the Black Dog when we go for dinner on Friday. Another day closer to our anniversary! September 8th will be here soon enough, and will mark our first year of marriage. This week has definitely been an amazing way to lead up to our day.

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