Thursday, January 29, 2015

DietBet - Lose Weight to Win Cash

Normally, I am a sucker for gambling. Every Superbowl pool, March Madness bracket, even last years World Cup got me entering in for a chance to win. Any type of competition where money is involved, I'm up for the challenge. Along with the sports events, last year I was exposed to a new game called DietBet. Looking at the title alone, you know there are two key components: dieting and money. But what are the terms?

My friend at work who ran our DietBet was sure to note: This is not considered gambling because the outcome of your DietBet is based on skill, not luck. I was extremely intrigued and read the terms. $10 dollars to join. You weigh in in the first few days with a couple photos of yourself on the scale, and then you weigh out again, same procedure. Whoever meets the terms of the bet (the percentage of weight lost in the given period of time) wins! And if there is more than one winner, you split the pot! How easy is that? Well, maybe easier said than done. But my competitive nature is what allowed me to win, and split the pot with a few other people. So in the end I won the money I entered, and some.

This year we increased the stakes at a whopping $20 to enter. The pool is up to $300 and the contest is over in less than two weeks now. The terms are to lose at least 4% of your total body weight in one month. For me, that translated to about 8 lbs, which doesn't seem like a lot. But the hardest part is if you get to your goal too soon, you must maintain.

I'm sure you are probably asking how is this regulated? For one, everything is online. DietBet is a website where you can create a profile and access all of the challenges at the click of a button. There's also a handy app for smartphones where you can track everyone's progress and weigh in whenever you want. However, the only weigh-ins that matter are the first and the last. There are judges that work for DietBet that receive your photos and approve or reject. So you don't have to worry about friends or coworkers literally seeing your pictures. You receive a code word that you must include on a piece of paper next to the scale so the judges know the pictures are actually you and that you are taking them during the right times.

You may be wondering how I'm currently doing on DietBet. Right now I have hit 75% of my goal with about 1.5 more lbs to lose before the "weigh-out" in 11 days. I've noticed a slight plateau in changes so I need to rework a few things in my diet and exercise routine. But after all is said and done, if you're looking for a fun weigh to lose that holiday weight with your friends, family, or coworkers, this has worked for me in the past and is already helping me now. It's what has put me back on track with my goals, particularly my "resolution" of running a 5k in April for Alzheimer's. I have already shaved off minutes of my 5k-time and are well on the way to running the race straight through. And what's even better, I got my husband and brother and sister-in-laws to join! We have been encouraging each other and it has been really fun doing this together. Check out the website, I'll be sure to do a follow up of my results at the end of the challenge. 11 days to go and counting!

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